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.Wednesday, April 15, 2009 ' 6:14 PM
On the first day of Camp which was on a Tuesday, we assembled in our school hall and we were grouped. We were seperated from classmates and we were joined with other school mates. I Was Group 16. My Instructor Was Instructor Kristal. She was very Kind. Once we got sorted out, We Went to the Buses. I Sat Alone.

Once we reached there, We Walked Around The Whole Place and One of my Team mates Said When He Passed By the Canteen,"Oh My Gosh... Is This The Place That We Are Going To Eat In?" He said that Because he Was Shocked At the sight of runned down places. But, We Were Used To it Soon After. After A While, There Was A Speech In The hall and we Left All Our Big bags and Small Bags In The Hall. We Then Proceeded to the Canteen To Have Lunch. Everytime Before Meals, An Instructor Will Ask us To Take Our Food and Then After A Period of time , Say , "Anderson Primary School, Are You Hungry?!" And We All Go "Hungry Hungry, Very Very, Hungry Very , Very Hungry..." So on and So For. It Was very Fun. The Whole p5 Level Fr4oM Adnerson Primary School Were Very Participative. There were about more than 300 Students There.

After Lunch, We Proceeded back To The Hall for Another Speech. This Speech Was Regarding Sentosa. We Had To bring A Small Bag and Put In an Extra T-Shirt Inside. I was Very Excited into Going to Sentosa For the "Amusing Race". We Had To Find Different Places In Sentosa and Were Limited to Only 2 Tram Rides and 1 Bus Ride. I Loved The Times When I Was In The Bus. It Was About 15 Minutes. In The Bus, Jamie Tan, Valerie Kong, Lee Pei Xuan and I Stood On The Steps And Some On The Floors. Suddenly, The Bus Braked. I, Was Standing on The Brink Of The Steps and I Fell. Jamie Accidentaly Pulled me When She Was About To Fall and At The Same Time, Gravity Pulled Me Down. I Fell And I Accidentaly Hit A Man's Leg. I Was Ashamed.. ): At Night, We Played "Kidnapped". Praveen Was "Kidnapped".

On The Second Day, We Played The High Elements. I Started off With The CRC. I Was in the Belay Team. Before It Was my Turn To Go, We Had To Change Stations. We Than Proceeded With Many Other Elements That I Kind of Forgot What I Did. But I remembered That I Was Getting Ready For Flying-Fox. But Sadly, I Did Not Get To Try It. I Felt Sad... ): I Tried The Rock Climbing and I Also tried Some Low Elements. Such As Trying To jump Over The Wall With Team Mates. At Night, We Slept Soundly...

On The Third Day, It Was My Saddest Day. It Was Time To Leave. I Will Still Remember My Instructors.. Instructors Kristal and Joshua... Thank You!

Pian0PlaYerGuRlx Left and Loves Youu :]


Named Clarice
Blow BigBig Candles on 1502
Studyinq in AndersonPrimary
In a Magnificent Class P5.4
Where Boys and Girls Hanq Out :]
But We're All Re-Shufflinq in 2010
Losinq ALL my girlfriends and boy---friends ):
With Maqnificent Teachers , MsSuzanah,
MrJustin and HuanqLa0Shi
It was because of them that i am what I am today:]

GOD Make it come true ):

Same class in 2010
SYF in 2010 , Feb
Class Party 0n 3012
Outinq With TOD Ganq
Go DisneyWorld[Orlando], Birminqham[Aunt], of America
A DoqDoq :(
Go Out With friends like crazy

No Chatbox , im so lazy to put one lahhs -.- No one comes to my school bloq
anyways. visit my bloq at :] Post everyday derhs.


Jieyi Personal


  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • July 2009
  • December 2009


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