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.Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ' 5:41 PM
On Saturday, 11th July'09, we went to the NE Show! [P5's only lahh]. I assembled in the school hall and I think I was the latest... -.- Sobb.. First time I experience the school on aircon in the hall (: Soooooo cooling. Before that I saw Aunty Yann Yann near the security guard and she took m temperature. Healthy (: 36.6. Forgot my Nike Bottle . Left it in the car. So, let it pass because plastic bottles will be providede But my mom really gave me the bottle. Haha. Aunty Yann yann passed me the bottle in the hall (: Thanks.

Those people that didn't bring bags were super lucky.. -.- the ''goodie"bags provided are those slingebags looking like crumplers bags. But of course, no brand lahh! . But nice though. Jie Yi and I sat in the bus struggling with 2 Bags and a McDonald box with Burger and Apple Pie ?? Yucks.. 0% Fan of Fast food. The taste bad. -.- No offence :X Only like Chicken Wing (: Crispiness melts in my mouth.. OKAY, Back to the NEP! After that, we reach already, we walked for a long time as there was a terrible Human jam there.. -.- St.Nick's girls are very irritating. Kept screaming during the gunshots and etc. That time Tzi Yong wanted to go to the toilet and accidentaly stepped on one of the spoilt brats' balloon Burst. Round of an applause please. She went to complain.. -.- Super teh lahh. Wanna slap her that kind sia. -.- Irritating!!

After that when the ceremony was ABOUT to end, raiindrops.. -.- Hate it at first but I soon got used to the rain. It was very fun sia. That time<,I was still holding the McDonald's box with the Burger in it. As the rain was like tumbling on the box, the paper was going to tear lahh, So, Kind Jie Yi took out her plastic bag and let me dump the thrash. (: I thought she told me to just THROW it in , so I threw it in. And I missed the shot. So, the whole burger dropped on the floor with the torn paper.. AARON was laughing like a maniac whereas I was using every ounce of my energy to bend as I was struggling with 2 bags and a pathetic raincoat.

A lady was gasping for breath back at the shelter. We kept squeezing like crazy. We stayed in the shelter for so long and finaly got out lahH! (: okay, end of post. Gonna enjoy my leisure.!

Pian0PlaYerGuRlx Left and Loves Youu :]


Named Clarice
Blow BigBig Candles on 1502
Studyinq in AndersonPrimary
In a Magnificent Class P5.4
Where Boys and Girls Hanq Out :]
But We're All Re-Shufflinq in 2010
Losinq ALL my girlfriends and boy---friends ):
With Maqnificent Teachers , MsSuzanah,
MrJustin and HuanqLa0Shi
It was because of them that i am what I am today:]

GOD Make it come true ):

Same class in 2010
SYF in 2010 , Feb
Class Party 0n 3012
Outinq With TOD Ganq
Go DisneyWorld[Orlando], Birminqham[Aunt], of America
A DoqDoq :(
Go Out With friends like crazy

No Chatbox , im so lazy to put one lahhs -.- No one comes to my school bloq
anyways. visit my bloq at :] Post everyday derhs.


Jieyi Personal


  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • July 2009
  • December 2009


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